Thank you for being a part of our Facebook community. If you spot content such as a comment or post in Planners Gone Wild that violates group or Facebook guidelines, please hit the report button to alert an admin or mod. We try to be proactive and delete posts that violate guidelines, but reports help us address any violations faster. Sometimes, the violation or offensive content is in a comment. If that is the case, please report the comment rather than the post. This will help an admin/mod find the issue faster, especially if the thread has many comments.
For more details and the full list of group rules, please check out the About section of the group Planners Gone Wild.
A few things to keep in mind before reporting to an admin/mod:
- We allow differing opinions, even if not popular, as long as the content is not abelist, racist, agist, sexist, a personal attack, derogatory, etc.
- Make sure the content you are reporting is a legitimate violation and not just an opposing view.
- A disagreement or disliking someone is not on its own against the rules. However, we will not tolerate personal attacks.
- If another member is bothering you, consider blocking them using Facebook's settings.